Upcoming Events at Peace Lutheran Church


Sunday services at 10am


Monday, February 17, 4:30-6pm- Pork Loin! Come! Spend time with us and other members of the community (these dinners are no cost to diners; this is our way of giving back to our community). 


Tuesday, March 4, 4-7: Our Annual Shrove Tuesday Potato Pancake Supper! Potato and/or regular pancakes, ham, applesauce, and dessert. This is our fundraiser: Adults- $10 (more info coming)

Bible study Sundays 8:45- 9:30am

Ladies' Bible Study Tuesdays at 10am. Come!

On Pastor's page, along with the sermon and other readings are links to his video sermons on YouTube.

We are currently collecting socks and blankets for our own pantry (leave items in library, outside pantry box, or the pew outside the library), as well as the regular items. There is a list on the box itself for all other needed items (use your phone camera to take a pic). Thanks! 

Are you a caregiver? Check out this info: Caring.com- caregiver's guide to Christian and Catholic senior living and https://www.payingforseniorcare.com/florida.

We have no plans to hold a Rummage Sale  


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O Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, in giving us Your body and blood to eat and to drink, You lead us to remember and confess Your holy cross and passion, Your blessed death, Your rest in the tomb, Your resurrection from the dead, Your ascension into heaven, and Your coming for the final judgment. Remember us in Your kingdom. Amen


Welcome to Peace Lutheran Church of Dunnellon 

Our worship services on Sundays at 10am, plus Adult and Youth Bible Studies on Sunday at 8:45am  offer opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship, and are open to all. Come! You can also click on our calendar on this page for other events and times.

Peace is an active member of the community. We make our building available to community organizations such as Al-Anon, AA and others. We have a "Take or Leave" pantry box out front which helps members of our community that need to take items, and other members of our community who can, to leave items in the box for others. We are collecting socks, hats and gloves/mittens the first quarter of 2025, along with our regular food items. 

Our Community Meals have begun again, the 3rd Monday of each month 4:30- 6:30pm. There is no charge for them, just come and enjoy the food and fellowship of other members of our community!

Our annual Shrove Tuesday Potato Pancake Supper has been a popular community event for 32 years. The whole Peace congregation enjoys serving our guests. In recent years we have added a Spaghetti Supper in May  and a Sauerkraut & Sausage Supper (Oktoberfest dinner) at the end of September. These events are also favorites of the community.

We support Toys For Tots and each Christmas season we fill and re-fill several bins.The mission efforts of the Florida-Georgia District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod are supported monetarily.

Our Pastor, Rev. Terry L. McKee, with his wife, Cindy, and their sons, Jeremy and Samuel, came to us in 2004. They had lived in Brooksville, where Pastor Terry was Youth Pastor at Christ Lutheran Church.

Peace Lutheran was established 60 years ago as Rainbow Lakes Lutheran Church, in 1963. The church was moved to its present location in 1988, to better serve the Dunnellon area. The new building was constructed by Laborers for Christ with the help of members of Peace.

Visitors to Peace are "welcome guests" on the first occasion they are with us, and are regarded as "part of the family" on subsequent occasions. They will experience heartfelt warmth in the greetings received from members of Peace.

All are welcome at Peace, "The Church on the Hill."